Kyosho MR03 vs Associated SR27

Kyosho MR03 vs Associated SR27

So, which one is better? The Kyosho Readyset MR03 Box Stock or the Team Associated SR27 Box Stock. 

We have spent time with both cars and after a few tweaks they are both pretty equal.

Both cars were set up to be legal in the Box Stock Category with changing the wheels and tires, T Plate, Bearings and body. We decided to run the PN Racing Dry Hub bearings. These bearing are, in my opinion the smoothest, longest spinning bearings on the market. Next up was the T Plate. Both cars received the PN Racing #5 Fiber Glass plate. With the Sr27 we had to shave just a tiny bit of the T Plate housing to accept the wide #5 plate. For the wheels we slapped on Reflex Racing 8.5mm front wheel with a 1mm offset and Reflex Racing 11mm rear wheel with a 3mm offset. On the MR03 we went with Marka Racing 10 shore rear tire with a PN Racing KS1138 Medium front tire. The Associated car received PN Racing KS Soft tires all the way around. We finished the cars off with the Jomurema Body.

Track Times:
MR03 - 7.577
SR27 - 7.696